Tag: kubernetes

  • Suspend All Kubernetes Cronjobs

    Recently, I had the need to suspend all Kubernetes cronjobs in a cluster. Looking around for an existing one-liner I came across this helpful gist. It loops over all namespaces, gets all cronjobs in each and patches them to spec.suspend: true. And to enable them again, we can patch them to spec.suspend: false. Keep in…

  • 16. & 17. #everyonecancontribute Cafe: Building a K3s Cluster on Hetzner Cloud – Part 3 and 4

    In January and February we started our ongoing journey to build a k3s Kubernetes cluster on Hetzner cloud in part 1 and part 2. We continued this in February with part 3 and 4 where we deployed the hcloud cloud controller manager, cert-manager and nginx ingress controller to get traffic into our cluster.

  • 15. #everyonecancontribute Cafe: Building a K3s Cluster on Hetzner Cloud – Part 2

    Today we continued where we left off last week. With our existing Terraform code we created a new cluster and then we built a few Ansible roles to deploy our k3s cluster. After an hour we reached the goal of the evening: kubectl get nodes showed us our three running nodes in Ready state. Next…

  • 14. #everyonecancontribute Cafe: Building a K3s Cluster on Hetzner Cloud – Part 1

    Last week during our weekly #everyonecancontribute call we started to build a k3s cluster on Hetzner Cloud. Based on my existing personal k3s cluster I gave an introduction to Terraform, Ansible and the related hcloud libraries, like the hcloud Terraform provider and the hcloud Ansible collection. In the next part we will actually start to…

  • kubectl kill -9

    In some situations it can happen that a pod or a full node is not available anymore but Kubernetes thinks it is still there. For example, I had a case where a worker node was deleted via the cloud provider API (not via Kubernetes) and Kubernetes did not properly notice this interruption. Then I tried…