Tag: gitlab

  • Unknown Subcommand sh in Gitlab CI with Tanka

    I am using Tanka to template and deploy namespaces and network policies to Kubernetes. To do this in GitLab CI I am using the official Tanka image on Docker Hub, my .gitlab-ci.yml for it looked like this: Until recently it worked fine like this, but suddenly it stopped working and started to produce the following…

  • 13. #everyonecancontribute Cafe: Autoscaling Gitlab Runners on Hetzner Cloud

    A while ago Michael invited me to join the weekly #everyonecancontribute coffee chats. It took me a while until I actually managed to join, but yesterday I attended the call for the second time and was promptly surprised when the agenda turned out to be a hands-on demo of an earlier blogpost of mine: Autoscaling…

  • Automatic Dependency Updates with Renovate and GitLab

    Most software projects use other projects/libraries as dependencies. And if we describe infrastructure as code we also depend on other things, e.g. specific versions of Terraform modules or Docker images. The best practice is to always specify dependencies as precise as possible to make the outcome of the build or deployment reproducible. When a codebase…

  • Autoscaling GitLab Runners on Hetzner Cloud

    I use a private instance of GitLab a lot and utilize the GitLab CI for most of my private projects. To speed up the CI jobs I wanted to have more GitLab runners available on demand. From our GitLab instance at work I already knew that GitLab supports autoscaling runners with docker-machine. At work we…

  • Failing GitLab Update Due to Config Deprecations

    I have been running a personal GitLab instance for many years now. Today GitLab 13 with many great improvements and new features was released. While the update process of GitLab is normally so stable that I had no issues with enabled auto-updates for years, this time it failed. But of course it wasn’t even GitLabs…